
Find the right parts for your vehicle



The Auto Experts Platform, a Frasle Mobility brand, integrates the digital product catalogs of the Fras-le, Lonaflex, Controil, Fremax, Nakata, Master, Jost, Suspensys and Castertech brands. Created to facilitate and speed up access to information, it allows you to search for a type of vehicle, product or automaker, to display all the options for automotive parts available on the brands.

The platform is friendly to all online access devices such as tablets, smartphones and desktops. Among the main benefits of the new platform are the daily updates; real-time release information; technical, fiscal and logistical details of each product and the automatic integration of data with distributors through API (Advanced Programming Interface).

The entire concept of the Auto Experts Platform was developed to solve as much as possible the problems of the auto parts network (distributors, retailers and repairers) in the search for the right parts for vehicles. This aspect is in line with the resolution of the problem of returning parts in the online and offline market due to incorrect applications.

In addition to all these facilities, we also have Search by Plate and Parts Locator in the Brazilian market, increasingly helping in the search and location of our products. It is also possible to access the exclusive catalog of each of the brands, facilitating the search for products in a given brand, when this is the user's option.

New features will be added to the platform gradually, stay tuned for more news!